Hi, welcome to my blog on Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do. In life, there are many trials and challenges which are so overwhelming for the average person. Are you easily defeated? Are you someone who will never quit? What will make you give up your internet dream? Are you a tough person? I hope this article will give you some good thoughts and inspirations.
Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do!
I really love that quote from Robert Schuller. Think about it ~ "tough times never last, but tough people do". This seems to have become my motto in life.
If you were to ask me if I'm tough, I would honestly have to say that sometimes I'm tougher than at other times. Are you "tough" when it comes to this crazy Internet business?
Whenever I think about past failures with my Internet business, I wince. I've failed so many times. People thought I was crazy to try a "home business" that promises overnight wealth. There were times when I thought I was crazy! It not only made me poor and miserable (because I'm an "opportunity junkie", when I first started out, I joined almost all the programs that came my way) but also frustrated. I spent countless hours, money and effort trying to make this business work.
I thank God that one day I managed to find the key to success on the Internet. Not only have I learned how to run my business so that it's simple to operate, but it brings me a good income so that I'll be able to retire comfortably. This is where toughness comes in. Even though I spent so much time and money on the affiliate business, working very late hours and seeing little return, I didn't give up! I don't consider quitting an option and I'm so glad! Back when times were tough, I told myself I couldn't quit because I hadn't yet achieved the goals that were so
important to me.
Now, as I look back over those years of struggle and frustration, I'm so glad I kept working on this Internet business. Otherwise I wouldn't have the sense of achievement or the financial independence that I enjoy today. And, best of all, I don't have to work long hours anymore. I've made it!
Yes, I finally found the secret to my crazy Internet business and, once you find it, your business will bring you unspeakable joy. You'll see that the nightmare of trying to make your business work was just a passing breeze ~ nothing compared to the satisfaction and achievement
success brings you.
Persistence is one of the most important keys to success ~ on the Internet or in life. Don't give up easily, especially when you're just starting out. Giving up is one of the main reasons why many people don't achieve financial success. Success could be just around the next corner but
you'll never know if you stop before you get there.
Worthwhile goals don't come easily. But, are you content to live a life of disappointment and frustration rather than go that extra distance to achieve them by being focussed on your Internet business? Henry Ford and Thomas Edison were just like you and me. The quality that set them apart was persistence!
It's persistence that will lead you to the fulfillment of your dreams. You may need to struggle through times of disappointment and even ridicule but if you stick with it on your Internet business . . . dreams do come true!
And so, my friend, through all of life's struggles, pain and frustration, never think of giving up. I encourage you to be the "tough" one who won't allow quitting to be an option.
As the saying goes, "you are never a failure until you fail to try" ~ so just keep trying and be very focussed on your Internet business. Remember, "tough times never last, but tough people do".
Carol Oon is an internet marketer who writes articles on Affiliate Marketing strategies. For more tips and free resources, you can visit her blog at http://www.inet-affiliate-secrets.blogspot.com/. Please feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
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